Smart-contract: la nuova frontiera del digitale?

With the advent of the blockchain, the technological evolution has also involved the world of law, through smart contracts, that is, the computerized reinterpretation of traditional contracts. The term contract, as we understand it today, evolves into computer protocols, in which, at the occurrence of a given event, the system automatically executes a given event....

Transfer of securities and money by bank transfer: is the public act necessary?

The transfer of securities and money by means of bank transfers, carried out purely in the spirit of charity and in the absence of consideration, could, in certain circumstances, be considered a zero donation. This is the principle expressed by the United Sections of the Supreme Court in its judgment of 27 July 2017, no. 18725. The story originates from a case of...

Con Kymera nell’acquisto di ExcelsiusGPS

Kymera, assistita dagli adivisor finanziari dottori Massimo Boidi e Marco Boidi dello studio Boidi & Partners e dall’avvocato Nicolò Calcagno dello studio Balbo di Vinadio e Associati di Torino, ha perfezionato con l’americana Globus Medical l’acquisto di un sistema robotizzato denominato ExcelsiusGPS che consente la navigazione chirurgica robotica-assistita delle protesi per la colonna vertebrale. Kymera ha inoltre perfezionato con E.C.A.S. Clinica Fornaca di…

EU puts Google and Facebook "in the copyright eye"

With the evolution of the internet and the advent of social networks, the contrast between the opposing needs of content producers and, on the other hand, freedom of information, has become increasingly heated. A new theatre of confrontation has been the proposal for a directive no. 2016/0280 on copyright in the digital single market, which, in the...

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